Unemployment & Crisis Help
If you are unemployed or lost your job, here are some resources for assistance while you are looking for a new job.
- COVID-19 and Unemployment Benefits: https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/COVID-19-and-Unemployment-Benefits....
- Unemployment Insurance: https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/individuals/UnemploymentInsurance/Pages/d...
- Resources for those in need: http://springfieldunitedway.org/united-way-2-1-1-get-connected-get-answe...
- Mental health hotline: http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=123539
- Coping with job loss
- Coping with loss of a job: https://preparednessmama.com/coping-with-job-loss
- When you lose a job: https://www.rd.com/advice/work-career/10-things-people-wont-tell-you-when-you-lose-your-job/
Skill Building
If you are thinking of changing careers, find yourself without a job and looking for a new career, or are re-entering the workforce, here are some online resources to help you take this time to sharpen or add new skills.
- Free videos on communication, leadership, and more: https://webcasts.td.org/events
- Free training, tools, and resources to help you grow your skills, career, or business: https://www.grow.google/
- Free online training for Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point) and more: www.GFClearnfree.org
- Free mini-training on Sigma-six, project management, supervisor training, and ethics: https://www.msicertified.com/free-training-programs.html
- More free online training: https://digitaldefynd.com/best-free-certification-course-training-online
Job Searching
Many job search sites will send new job postings free to your email. However, some medium and large companies may only post their open positions on their own website. Make sure to do both 1) have postings sent to you as well as 2) go to specific companies websites to check for job postings.
- Article on top websites to job search: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/top-best-job-websites-2064080
- Article on effectively using LinkedIn: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/012915/how-use-linkedin-get-job.asp
- Additional job search websites
- Illinois Job Link: https://illinoisjoblink.illinois.gov/ada/r/
- Zippia: https://www.zippia.com
- Simply Hired: https://www.simplyhired.com
- Talent.com: https://www.talent.com
- ZipRecruiter: https://www.ziprecruiter.com
- Article listing where to look for freelance jobs/gigs: https://www.freshbooks.com/blog/freelance-jobs
- Blank master job application. Fill out and save a copy so when filling out applications, you can refer back to this document that contains all of your information: Basic Job Application Form.pdf
State and Federal Jobs
- State of Illinois jobs
- Illinois job opportunities: https://illinois.jobs2web.com/
- CMS 100: https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/work/pages/download.aspx
- To download the CMS 100 form, right click on the link to the form, then select "save target as." Save the file to your computer. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader and open the file you just saved to your computer.
- New testing procedure beginning March 1, 2020: https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/work/Pages/default.aspx
- Federal jobs
- Federal jobs: https://www.usajobs.gov/
Applying for a job is different than what it was just 5 years ago. Learn how to write an effective resume and cover letter along with how to ask for a reference. Learn also how to navigate an Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
- Resume template:
- Resume guide when applying to a Federal job: https://resources.depaul.edu/career-center/resumes-interviews/Documents/Federal%20Resume%20Guidev3.pdf
- Resume templates and professional resume review with JobNow. You'll need to use your Chatham Area Public Library card and create a free account with an email address.
- Resume tips
- Creating a resume for today: https://www.themuse.com/advice/what-your-resume-should-look-like-in-2020
- Ten tips to improve your resume: https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/10-resume-tips-you-havent-heard-before/
- Resume mistakes not to make: https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/avoid-the-top-10-resume-mistakes
- Why keywords are important and how to use them: https://novoresume.com/career-blog/resume-keywords-how-to-use-them
- Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
- Navigating an ATS: https://novoresume.com/career-blog/resume-keywords-how-to-use-them
Cover Letters
- Attention-grabbing cover letter examples: https://www.themuse.com/advice/31-attentiongrabbing-cover-letter-examples
- How to write a cover letter: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/cover-letters-4161919
- Cover letter example #1: https://biginterview.com/cover-letter-examples/
- Cover letter example #2: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/CoverLetter_13348_7.pdf
- Guide to References: https://www.themuse.com/advice/your-ultimate-guide-to-picking-and-getting-the-best-possible-references
- Article on how to ask someone to be a reference: https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-right-and-wrong-way-to-ask-someone-to-be-a-reference
- Article with email template to ask and guide your reference: https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-email-template-that-guarantees-your-reference-will-say-all-the-right-things
Book a Librarian
A library staff member will give undivided attention to customers who want assistance with the review of a resume or cover letter.
- Request an appointment by filling out this form: https://www.chathamlib.org/book-a-librarian-request-form
Tips on how to interview well.
- Article on interview questions and answers: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/leadership-interview-questions-and-best-answers-2061209
- Article on job interview tips: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonyoushaei/2014/10/20/12-surprising-job-interview-tips/#795cad3850f4
- How to look good in a Skype interview (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQwanxQmFnc
- Rutan interview expectations: https://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNetLibrary/27897/documents/HumanResources/RutanInterview.pdf
- Questions you should ask: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2014/06/18/10-job-interview-questions-you-should-ask/#3e76d775ace2