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Film Discussion Kits

kit with video, discussion guide


Through our Film Discussion Kits, the Library hopes to support the community in exploring and discussing various social justice topics through documentary film viewings. Documentaries can bring issues and ideas nearer to their viewers, and discussions provide the opportunity to engage and connect with others around important issues.

Each Kit contains a DVD and discussion guide with questions, watch-alikes, and space for note taking.

Finding a kit

  • You can search the catalog for “film discussion kit” in general or click here.  
    • You can search for a specific title to see if it is available as a film discussion kit.
    • Please Ask Us if you have any questions.

Using a kit

  • A kit is checked out to one patron who is responsible for all of the materials.
  • The fees for missing parts will be charged to the patron who checked out the kit.
  • Kits are checked out for six weeks and may only be renewed once.

Getting a kit

  • Kits can be found in the Library of Things area or can be requested through our catalog for Chatham Area residents. 

Returning a kit

  • Please ensure that all parts are in the kit before returning it.
  • Kits must be returned to the Chatham Area Public Library service desk during open hours and cannot be returned in a book drop.

To find more information, please check out our Race and Social Equity Resources page for local organizations, book lists and more.